Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My name is Brook Morrison.  I am taking this class as part of my requirements for an AA in Addictions Counseling.  I currently have an AS in Radiologic Technology.  I have been a Cat Scan Technologist for 15 years.  Many people think I'm crazy for going back to school. They wonder why I would go for a degree in a profession that I will be making half what I make now.  My reasoning is simple, I love helping people in any way.  I am a recovering addict and believe I can help others obtain a better way of life.  I will never stop being a CT tech, its too much fun!
Between me and my fiance, we have 7 children and 6 grandchildren.  We started our families at an early age!  My favorite thing to do is workout.  Not only is it great for my health, its an amazing stress reliever.  I also love to read.  My favorite author is Janet Evanovich.  She writes the most hysterical books that I actually laugh out loud while reading her books.
I hope to become a more interesting blogger.  This is my first  experience at blogging, so bare with me because I'm sure I will only come up with more interesting things to talk about.


  1. Its never to late to start a new career. Once you find your passion you find your purpose! Forward march.

    1. Thanks for the nice comment Andrew > EXactly how I feel as well:)
